Tuesday, May 17

It’s a day that meets me filled with excitement. Why? I don’t know. After a long day yesterday it’s a wonder that I am up so early. What are your thoughts,  plans and expectations for today?

Its early Monday morning. Im getting ready for the world. Washing clothes, enjoying a cup or two of hot tea. What does the world have in store for me today? Don’t forget to drop a line letting us know how your day is going or what happened in your life today.

Masochists Are Everywhere – Workplaces, Schools, Etc.

Every day we leave our homes and go into a workplace to make a living.  Let’s talk about the trials and tribulations we experience and the positive outcomes.  Let’s show how we thwart the mission of those who intend to be masochistic towards us.  This page is about the trials we encounter in the workplace, the strategies we use to overcome those who attempt to stump our growth, and advice we can give to others.

Masochism is also present in organizations, agencies, institutes, etc.   Let’s share our experiences with each other.  Thank you for contributing to this blog to make it a success.